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50 pies and 37 biscuits

I've made 50 pies and 37 biscuits all at a good reasonable price. A collection of wax and bronze pies and biscuits all individually labeled and signed.



2 Big bronze pies on plinths £250 each

2 Medium sized pies on plinths £175 each

4 Small bronze pies on plinths £125 each

6 Yellow wax pies on plinths £50 each

6 Black wax pies on plinths £50 each

6 Purple wax pies on plinths £50 each

9 Red wax pies on plinths £50 each

9 Blue wax pies on plinths £50 each

6 White pies on plinths £50 each

Bronze Biscuits

4  Bronze Bourbons on plinth £95 each

3  Bronze Ginger nuts on plinths £95 each

4  Bronze Rich Tea on plinths £95 each

2  Bronze  Malted Milk on plinths £95 each

2 Bronze Rich Tea Fingers on plinths £95 each

4 Bronze Fig Biscuits on plinths £95 each

4 Bronze Shortbreads on plinths £95 each

4 Bronze NIce Biscuits on plinths £95 each

4 Bronze Jammy Dodgers on plinths £95 each

4 Bronze Custard Creams on plinths £95 each 

1 Bronze Oreo on plinth £95

1 Bronze Digestive on plinth £95

                                         wax pies

the pies in bronze

bronze biscuits

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